
Amateur Radio is probably my most important non sporting hobby. It has shaped my interests, my career, the things I do in the hackerspace and the way I spend almost all of my non-professional time. I currently operate as MM0RFN, ex 2M0HIB & MM3ZRZ.

These are the collected results and thoughts from my years of experimentation and play in this area.

The Continued Adventures of a Packet Radioist

WOW I HAVE SO MANY RADIO THINGS TO TALK ABOUT! There’s been lots rolling about inside my head recently, mostly related to radio. I’m doing lots of wee things in the exciting world of amateur radio to fill my time as summer hits. I’m focussing mostly on packet radio and digital modes, and have done various vaguely interesting things over the last month or two. TCP/IP over AX.25 This is a thing that happened with Iain / 2M0STB in mid march. Using our testbed setup of a Yaesu FT-7900 and FT-817, we invoked the magic of soundcard modems (Direwolf and Soundmodem) to make the magic of modern networking happen over a 1200 baud AFSK link. …

Packet Radio

Having been curious for a while, I’ve decided it’s time to start properly playing in the world of packet radio. Not just APRS, though - that’s a ‘solved problem’, and quite simple to get a quick hang of. My main station radio that lives in the hackerspace is a Yaesu FT-7900, and it’s a lovely piece of kit. I’ve got a data cable with proper, separate PTT and audio out/in. It’s got a 9600baud mode as well, so hopefully I can get faster data once all of this has been set up. …

Design Notes on Satellite Stations

CampGND Draws closer, and I’m worried about ’the project'. Having got really excited about SATnogs, it’s been really frustrating to learn that the project is currently just a shell of what it could be. As far as I can see, there’s some STL files describing items to be printed, some software and some other things, but a complete lack of documentation. Poking through other branches of the main software, I did find what looked like a kind-of-incomplete bill of materials. …


So, I’d love to tell you from my tiny seat on Easyjet that I had a massive revelation this week, and that I’ve rediscovered all my old passions and that life is better than ever. I can’t though - I’ve not spent all week excitedly doing things I’ve loved in the past. Who does, however? You move on from things because your personal circumstances require it or you lose interest or you have too many hobbies and can’t handle everything all the time. …

Month of April: High Altitude Ballooning

For the most part, the station has been tracking balloons this month as part of it’s duty in supporting university academic activities. The balloons launched were student built projects for masters projects, and they all worked to varying degrees of success. Initially we had Project Strathosphere, however this was launched on a day that I wasn’t able to track it and as such there’s no data downlinked, however it was launched and recovered successfully, admittedly with a little bit of luck. This used the base design for electronics was one that was developed with STAC providing the essential basics. This project had a wire dipole for an antenna. …