
Splat for UHF radio station coverage modelling

I’ve been talking to Iain, MM0ROR a bit on the radio. After I persuaded him to build a 70cm version of the 1/4 wave vertical antenna I built earlier this year, I helped him test it on the radio tonight from my new /m setup. Initially I drove to the picturesque Aberdeen Beach, then the less pretty 57North Hacklab, and finally I took the long road to the very lovely Balmedie Beach, and for the bulk of the drive nattered away to Iain about nonsense and radios. …

Debian as a Ham Radio Station Laptop

This post is part of [tj]’s blog more in June challenge. You should join us and take part - just make 4 posts in June! As part of the general move to do more radio / do radio in a field, I’ve been doing radio in a field instead of preparing for it. This laptop was first set up and somewhat extensively tested at home, and then used in the field to prove it worked. …

Disk Destroyer

I finally fell into the dd trap. I dd’d a FreeBSD Beaglebone black image to /dev/sdb, where my home directory lives. It should have been /dev/mmcblk0, but I trusted tab completion and didn’t check dmesg. After a quick check of gparted, it was obvious what had happened. I’ve nuked the partition table on the drive. Well done. The data in /home/hibby was intact, however. My home directory was still responding, I could load new files ith no corruption. A quick check of mtab tells me ~ lived at /dev/sdb6. It turns out the first ~200GB of data on the drive were taken up by an old windows install or something. So, I had to work out how best to recover that partition and that one alone. I didn’t care about the rest. Step 1: Do not turn the computer off, as it still works. …

vm-bhyve with NAT on FreeBSD

I’ve been running FreeBSD on my primary server for a while. There’s a number of things I like, and I’m enjoying the challenge of getting to grips with how the system is put together. It’s been a good challenge so far, with many highlights. The idea of the server was to be VM host - bhyve is a lovely hypervisor to interact with, and I’ve tried a few management tools for it. Initially, i used iohyve which was lovely. It’s a really nice command syntax for interacting with VMs, and understands zfs which makes snapshotting dead easy. My favourite thing I managed was accessing the UEFI frame buffer over VNC - that was super cool. Granted, this is a bhyve thing and not restricted to iohyve, but it was still cool. …

GnuPG as SSH Agent on XFCE4

I tried to set this up so I could use my yubikey as a portable authenticator following the Debian guide, and ran in to a bit of an issue. Despite what I was doing, ssh-agent would auto start, set environment variables and give me lots of trouble. Killing ssh-agent and manually setting the $SSH_AUTH_SOCK to my gnupgp socket fixed the issue, however I couldn’t get ssh-agent to stop starting and setting that variable on login. …